An entirely new product can be created by including one or more products already created for a Merchant. These are mostly called combo products.
Combo products are created by adding “included products” to a product using the admin console.
Important Tip: Individual included products should not have options if they are to be used as included products in a combo product. For example: if the combo product Breakfast Meal includes the products Tea and Sweet bun; these individual products can not have product options to select from. Such as brown sugar or honey for the Tea sweetener options, neither can the Sweet buns have vegan and non-vegan options.
Rather, the main/parent product which is the Breakfast Meal, can have product options to be sold with it, such as orange juice or apple juice.
Create a new product. For instance, a new product called Breakfast Meal will be created. This product will include the Tea and Sweet Buns products as a combo.
Navigate to the Included Products tab.
A list of all the products available under the Merchant will be displayed on the left-hand side of the screen.
Select the products to be used in creating a combo product by dragging the product from the left-hand side to the empty box on the right side. Tips: A product can be deselected by clicking on the cancel icon at the end of the product. For the purpose of our example, the products Tea and Sweet buns will be included in the Breakfast Meal.
Select the product to be included.
Drag and drop the product.
Click SAVE at the top right corner of the screen.
All included products are displayed under the Selected box on the right. (These are the products that will be included and they should not have product options in them).
More Examples of Combo products:
A combo product can be created by combining two or more products to be sold as a single product. The example below is a product called Burger Delight. Burger Delight is a combination of one vegan burger, fries and Pepsi max.
When combo products are created appropriately, the cashier can view them on the POS device.
Administrators can choose to hide this products from the cart page of Kiosk and the Order process screen: Hiding the display of Included Products on POS and Kiosk Cart Screen