Products connected/imported from a main merchant to another merchant are usually not editable.

Products imported/connected from the main merchant by default have their fields greyed out because it is assumed that this products should not be editable. However, since the product gets all its details from the main merchant, changing these details implies that, it no longer gets the details from the main merchant. For example: The product Sweet Buns has been imported from Burger Restaurant Helsinki into Burger Restaurant Jyväskylä.

Administrators can decide to change certain parts of the product details such as the Price, category, Sales Channels and so on.


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There are two ways to make the product details editable/ ways to unsync products after they have been imported:

  1. Turning off the entire Product Synchronisation: When product synchronisation is turned off, every detail of the product can be edited and the product is no longer linked to the main merchant/main product.

    1. Product Synchronisation turned ON (Enabled)

      synchronisation_turned ON.png

    2. Product Synchronisation turned OFF (Disabled): a popup message will ask the administrator to confirm the disabling action.


      Product_synchronisatruon_turned OFF.png

    3. All fields become editable when Product Synchronisation is disabled

      Prpoduct sync_4.png

  2. Disabling the sync for certain properties of the product: This is partially disabling specific details from been synched with the main product. To do this the administrator will need to use the mouse to hover around the details title. A pin icon will be seen. Selecting the pin icon located at the side of the detail property will also prompt a pop-up message for the user to confirm the disabling action. For example:

    1. It is possible to disable sync in order to edit the product name
    2. It is possible to disable sync in order to edit the product prize
    3. It possible for disable sync in order to edit the Delivery Type