Administrators can import cashiers’ details into the Admin console using a cvs (comma-separated values) file. The file needs to contain the following headers: email, firstName, lastName and employeeNumber.



  1. Prepare a list of cashiers details to be imported
  2. Save the file as a .csv file. For example: cashier.csv

Note: if Google Sheet is used in preparing the list of cashiers, download as .csv, as seen in the image below


The following steps will guide Adminstrators in importing cashiers

  1. Select Administration

  2. Select Users

  3. Select BATCH ADD

    1. select batch add.png

  4. Select the merchants the cashiers will be linked to using the drop-down arrow

    2. select linked merchants.png

  5. Click on IMPORT CSV

  6. Navigate to the the file location on your personal device

  7. The cashiers list will be displayed on the Batch add cashiers view

    3. Batch Add Cashiers.png

  8. Make any changes required using this view. Note: new cashiers not existing on the .csv file can be manually added using the ADD ANOTHER button.

  9. Select SAVE