Cashiers are capable of accepting Softpay payments on specific devices that are Softpay compatible. one of such devices is the handheld POS device supplied by Yonoton.


The following pre-requisites should be performed by an administrator

  1. on the POS handheld device, install the Softpay application from Google Play Store.
  2. Setup the Softpay app with the credentials provided by Softpay.
  3. Select the appropriate merchant.

The payment flow

  1. On Yonoton’s POS, orders can be added to the cart and Softpay payment method should be selected.

    Payment methods lists- softpay.png

  2. POS navigates to the Softpay app for users to place their card on the handheld device.

    2. Softpay page.jpg

  3. If the payment is successful, it will displayed.

    Card Success.jpg

  4. A receipt will be printed by POS once OK is selected.

    Print receipt.jpg


If the customer removes the card too fast, an error message will be displayed.
