The Basic Information section contains information on the site's business entity. Most of this information will be displayed on the venue page of the end-user application. The Basic Information tab is divided into 4 sections. They include
The Name and Description Section: This includes the following
The Publishing Section: For a site, the following properties can be enabled or disabled depending on the Administrator’s decision.
Published: Every Site the Administrator wants to display on the application platform should be published. If this is not enabled, app users will not see the created sites.
Highlight: An highlighted site means that the site or venue will be listed at the top of the site's list on the user’s application. This means that the site stands out amongst other sites.
Restricted: Depending on the decision of the Administrator, app users can have limited access to specific sites. For example, unregistered users can be restricted to certain sites.
Grouping Name: Sites can be grouped using a special or unique Grouping Name. It may be expected that an administrator will manage several sites. For example, an administrator may manage sites that are not in the same location. The grouping name can be based on location or any other specific name. Note that the same grouping name can be used for one or more sites. App users can see the sites based on the grouping names.
Messages Section: Marketing text and URL information can be included while creating a site.
External Systems Section: An administrator can also include the social media handles of the site and other details such as Phone number, E-mail, Reference code and Venue Manager Activation code.