The following steps will guide administrators in creating a Site Channel Configuration
Select Sites.
Select the site where the configuration is to be made.
Click Site channel configuration.
Select CREATE NEW at the top right corner of the page.
Select the name of the channel that is to be created by clicking the drop-down arrow under Name.
A list of channel names will be displayed. Select the appropriate name. Each name has a specific channel configuration. For example, we could have Kitchen Sink POS which will be used for configuring POS related features, and Kitchen Sink Mobile which will be used for configuring the end users’ mobile application.
Note: Kitchen Sink is the name of the Admin Console Environment used for the purpose of this illustration. Every Yonoton customer has a specific name that enables the usage of the Admin console, this name is unique for each customer.
Click SAVE.
The newly created site channel configuration will be added to the list.
The next step is to add specific features to the channel.