A Merchant is a business entity that may run a few outlets. An administrator creates a merchant by logging in to the Yonoton Management View using a digital device.

The steps below will enable administrators to create a new merchant.

  1. Click on the Navigation Bar.

    REAL NAV BAR Highligted.jpg

  2. Select Merchants.

    Merchant- select.jpg

  3. Click CREATE NEW.

    create new merchant.jpg

  4. A new page is displayed which by default is the BASIC INFORMATION section.


  5. Fill in all the details in all the tabs: Basic Information, Picture, External Credentials, and Outlet.

  6. Click SAVE at the top right corner of the page. The new merchant will be added under the Merchants tab.

  7. The name of the Merchant created will be displayed on the Welcome bar.

  8. All merchants created can be seen by clicking Merchants on the navigation bar.

Tips: It is important to turn Main Merchant on if the merchant is the main merchant amongst all the merchants created or amongst all the merchants managed by the administrator. In addition, turning the main merchant on indicates that the Product Catalogue will make use of all the products created under the main Merchant.

The administrator is expected to fill in all the details required for creating a Merchant. This is where customization of merchants' information begins. The information required includes:

4.1 Basic Information (For Merchants)

4.2 Picture

4.3 External Credentials

4.4 Outlet Features

4.5 Cashiers

4.6 À La Carte States
