A merchant can have several outlets. For example, a restaurant can have a seat-in outlet and a drive-through outlet. New outlets for each merchant are created in the Outlet section. When a merchant has more than one outlet, the main outlet needs to be indicated.
The following steps will guide the administrator in creating an outlet:
Log in to the Yonoton Console.
From the navigation bar on the left, click Merchant.
Select the Merchant under which the new Outlet is to be created. For illustration purpose Burger Restaurant Helsinki will be selected from the list of merchants.
Once the SELECT button has been clicked, the navigation bar on the left will display more options under the Merchant.
Click Outlets.
An outlet list is displayed, Click CREATE NEW.
Fill in all the information required in each of the following tabs: Basic Information, Advance, Products, Map, Picture, and Orders.
Click SAVE. Clicking SAVE is important to ensure that all the information and settings are stored.
Note: If the administrator decides to stop creating the merchant, DISCARD can be selected instead of SAVE.
The administrator is expected to fill in all the details required for creating an outlet. This is where customization of outlets’ information begins. The information required includes:
7.1 Basic Information (For outlets)